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Microsoft: Linux will be losing ground in the field of mobile operating systems

Robbie Bach, head of Microsoft's mobile believes that mobile phone operating system will be the pattern of change, and Linux will be defeated in the tide of change. Linus phone can not pass the "quality of the test and no greater market appeal.
Bach said, Linux phone systems are currently too many, at least 17 species. Bach Chamber of mobile operators are expected to resist some of the Linux phone system because too many versions have some technical support questions, but he did not specify what the system might denied.
Bach pointed out that Microsoft will next month's Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, ​​introduced the next generation of Windows Mobile system, which is the wish of all Windows Mobile 7, "I think there is no external challenge to us (Windows Mobile) a threat, in addition to attractive to business users is not enough there is not much beyond fashion.
Microsoft believes in the mobile space and now there are too many operating systems, especially 17 different Linux systems, they are functionally not much different, but each requires a different version of network authentication and support. Some Linux phone system will be eliminated, the reason is not that there is no market, but because of their quality. Bach added: "I am convinced that we are one of the winners, of course, there will be another winner.
Today's IT sector will be seen as a battle is really no exaggeration, where every company struggles with other companies engaged in every moment, and also trying to make myself not sunk in the torrent of the economic crisis, Microsoft naturally no exception, but CEO Steve Ballmer has always listed by name opponent.
Microsoft's investor conference, Ballmer said that in the operating system, the next period of time is not Apple's biggest rival but Linux. In explaining the following piece of slide, Ballmer said: "(slides) can be seen from here, Linux and Apple's market share there has been a slight increase.
Ballmer said that due to piracy, Windows has become Microsoft's biggest problem, "It (Piracy) is a very powerful opponent, but we will not flinch. Indeed, pirated Windows operating system on the market occupies second place, more than the combined OS X and Linux.
Although Apple in the past year there has been a steady market share growth, according to market share calculation, Apple almost over 300 million users, Ballmer said that Apple is indeed Microsoft's rivals, but not enough to allow the company to fear, can not see the problem just staring at these numbers, in today's market, consumers are more inclined to the most expensive products, which can provide only Linux, of course, piracy.

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Microsoft Windows and online business reorganization

Microsoft today announced the spin-off of its core departments' platforms and services division "(PSD), the restructuring of the two Windows and online services business. The division president Kevin Johnson will leave, Johnson is Microsoft's takeover offer for Yahoo most directly responsible.
According to the restructuring plan, PSD will be split into Windows / Windows Live, as well as two online services division, reporting directly to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. And Johnson will be switched to the network equipment maker Juniper born as CEO positions.
After the spin-off is completed, will include Microsoft's four business sectors, in addition to the completion of the reorganization of Windows and online services, also includes the original commercial sector (including Microsoft Office software suite and business solutions, etc.) and entertainment devices division (home Entertainment Division and the Mobile and Embedded Devices Division).
Microsoft also appointed head of the new department, which, Steven Sinofsky, senior vice president, Jon DeVaan and Bill Veghte will be in charge of Windows / Windows Live division. According to Microsoft's recently released third quarter earnings, the sector globally sold over 180 million copies of Vista copies, Windows Live Suite installation number more than 100 million times. The department is developing its next generation of products also includes the IE browser, Windows operating system and Windows Live products.
On-line services, Microsoft will add a high-level leadership positions, and both inside and outside the company to find the best candidate. Meanwhile, Satya Nadella, senior vice president will continue to lead Microsoft's search, MSN and ad platform development. Microsoft recently announced restructuring will search business, user experience and business model innovation launched.
In addition, Brian McAndrews, senior vice president, Microsoft will continue to lead another important sector, "advertisers and publishers Solutions Group" (APS). The department is currently developing a strong momentum in the past year more than 100 publishers have signed contracts. McAndrews will continue to focus on the development of Microsoft's display advertising business, and promote the integration of the Group's execution and advertising assets, including the recently acquired Massive, Navic Networks, ScreenTonic and YaData other companies.
SVCHOST process consumes excessive CPU problem has existed for many years, back in 2007, Microsoft had released a patch to fix this problem, but was for Windows XP SP2, but the same problem also appears in the SP3. User feedback has said, after a new installation (clean install) Windows XP SP3, SVCHOST process will be pulled into the CPU occupancy rate of 100%.
In November and early December, Microsoft released two updates to XP, tried to delete a large number of obsolete IE6 and IE7 SVCHOST update to resolve the issue. Unfortunately, they are not effective. This week, Microsoft released Windows XP and other systems in January 2014 patch, completely fix the problem SVCHOST process.
Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing program director Dustin Childs said Microsoft Patch Tuesday daytime, the IE security update replaces the old to the new version, thus improving the user experience and reduce Windows Update check before installing the patch installed updates. This initiative is purely in order to improve system performance, does not affect the safety of users.
To do so is one of the most significant results to solve the problem when you run Windows Update SVCHOST CPU-intensive process. Although this time from the Windows XP technical support in less than three months time, but not too late too, Microsoft's attitude worthy of commendation for the night.

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Windows XP users a buffer zone

In addition to Windows XP users a buffer zone, these users prefer Microsoft's move to its high hopes for Windows 8/8.1.
Indeed, when the user recognize the benefits of Windows 8/8.1 after, they even want to upgrade, but also face the upgrade costs a small fortune. Of course, you can view the configuration of your own computer, if they meet Microsoft standards (above 1GHz processor, memory, 1GB (32-bit) or 2GB (64-bit), hard disk 16GB (32-bit) or 20GB (64-bit), graphics Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver card), then OK, you can just spend a little money to buy a Windows 8/8.1.
Saying this is not high hardware requirements, Windows XP users can upgrade to Windows 8. Today, Microsoft offers for Chinese users, the original price 988 yuan of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, price is 888 yuan. Of course, now the price is far from October 26, 2012, after a period of time Windows 8 release promotional price as long as 98 yuan.
Zhang Yongli pointed out that although you can still use Windows XP, but we kindly remind the user that this product for 13 years has been unable to meet the demands of the Internet age, and varied enough to deal with emerging security threats.
Nevertheless, the Microsoft for users in China also provides an additional service support, even in this April 8 stop system support for Microsoft Windows XP, but before July next year Microsoft will still continue under Windows XP Malware signature updates, this level of protection, third-party security software can not do.
Have to say, no matter what kind of security products, stop for a system-level security updates to the operating system, and its protective effect is limited. From the application experience, data security and return on investment perspective, the user should act as soon as possible, to upgrade to the next generation of the Windows operating system that can better adapt to the latest network, hardware and software environment, and for further security.
Present and future: Free is the Microsoft way?
In the just-concluded MWC2014, Microsoft announced a number of Windows Phone manufacturers to join, including: Foxconn, Jin, JSR, India Karbonn, India Lava (Xolo phone), Lenovo, LG, Shanghai Dragon flag and ZTE. The move allows Microsoft's Windows Phone camp further expanded.
In addition, Microsoft on MWC2014 also revealed more details of the future of Windows Phone, such as support for more hardware platforms, dual SIM cards, virtual buttons and so on. Also learned more about Windows Phone 8.1 news will be announced in early April the Microsoft Build Conference.
Recently, the one about Windows Phone news that shocked the industry - Microsoft is working with some of the smart phone manufacturers to negotiate free as possible. While it is no more revealing details, Microsoft officials did not respond to the news, the news enough to shake the entire industry.
However, the current smartphone market structure point of view, Windows Phone is behind Android and iOS the third largest mobile operating system. While Windows Phone has a good growth, but overall, Windows Phone is still a few companies and few users plaything, Microsoft has been in the bag in addition to Nokia, Windows Phone promotion dead outside only Windows Phone manufacturer HTC, Samsung, Huawei and a few other vendors, and they just put Windows Phone as an experiment.
Although this increased the number of Microsoft announced OEM partners, but these companies are wholeheartedly to promote Windows Phone is still unknown. If Microsoft Windows Phone cancel the license fee, which for the development of today's more subtle smartphone market, perhaps as a variable.
More and more people will see that Apple's iOS is his own park, while Google's Android is that everyone can Laishua garden, which is also Android fans many reasons, but one can not ignore the phenomenon is Android's open application experience too cause confusion between the two circles on Windows Phone to become a new choice.
But most manufacturers do not want to launch Windows Phone reasons include: licensing fees are too high, fewer applications, Microsoft support is not enough, Microsoft's own equipment and so on. Today, Microsoft is incorporating the Nokia, to create their own Windows Phone, then let those vendors who support Windows Phone feeling awkward, if Microsoft Windows Phone open at this time, not only for those vendors more actively promote their products, but also be able to further expand and improve the ecosystem of Windows Phone.
Microsoft why not do it?
For Windows Phone is the topic of the future of free, Zhang Yongli said no comment.

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Microsoft Imagine Cup: provide a broad platform for artistic expression

This year they emerged as the first event in China, directly qualify for the world finals. For help them fulfill their dreams through the Microsoft Imagine Cup, sincerity, Fuzhou University School of Forestry into who said: All the hard work is worth it, made their own 3D development direction, and ultimately to implement a successful product, there is a sense of accomplishment.
Sogoal single Xin: Microsoft Imagine Cup: provide a broad platform for artistic expression
Single-Xin, born in 1988, South China Agricultural University College of Information Kenji students, with their own independent game developers Soul Door, stand out from the Microsoft Imagine Cup projects this year, hundreds of enrollment into forty strong, semifinals, finals, won first group game, waiting for a candidate to enter the global finals - the whole he is the only one person.
Xin had three small single Hobbies: movies, novels, games. A director and a writer, he felt he was too far away from these two dreams, so he chose the game to express their own values. Chose to do an independent game, because playing games like when the director, wanted to convey some of their own stuff. He believes that the game is the ultimate form of artistic expression, while Microsoft's Imagine Cup for his artistic expression provides a more open platform.
To prepare for the Imagine Cup competition, single Xin obtain information from the open source community, use of leisure time to write a game engine, a write is one year, beginning in September 2012 to make the product, the product line after three months. Days of September to December, the day and night to do a single Xin said, was a lot of pressure, how often you want to do is endless, and if for whatever reason can not go on how to do. But in order to dream, for Imagine Cup, finally in mid-December 2012 release of the product.
Eventually, the door to the soul of his work in the 2013 Microsoft Imagine Cup finals game category the first prize in China. Soul's Gate is a puzzle adventure game. It is also a time consuming one and a half to complete the development of the game by a single independent Xin alone. Exquisite hand-drawn scenes, set parallel to the physical world and the sublime music brings an immersive gaming experience.
Participate in the Imagine Cup, a single Xin feel tired but very fulfilling. Through Imagine Cup, I was exposed to advanced technology, broadening the horizons and get more opportunities to communicate, circle expands; more importantly, discovered his potential. Now a single Xin, after Imagine Cup win, have their own personal website, fans also increased a lot, also have their own games more interactive players to create their own ultimate artistic - expression worldview with the game, a single Xin from the dream is getting closer.
By the Great Wall plans to foster new ventures program, Microsoft fully supports the Chinese to build a strong and innovative local IT ecosystem: 2011, Microsoft plans to support the new venture will invest 1.4 billion yuan in five years, supporting 3000 software startups and development tools, since the program was introduced into China, has been to foster the creation of 900 companies, to provide free technical support for businesses and entrepreneurs to enhance their influence in the technology field.
Great plan - help China and the rise of academic strength beyond
Zhu, now an associate professor of Tsinghua University. Was an intern at Microsoft Research Asia, was named Best Intern and visited Bill Gates home. Microsoft academic scholarship. Top-level meeting in machine learning and magazines published more than 40 papers, chaired field NIPS2013 well ICML2014 other top regional co-chair of the meeting, selected Tsinghua basic research personnel plan.
Zhu from rural areas, parents are out farmers. Childhood dream was to become a soldier, to the high school after the teachers come to love this industry, and aspires to become a teacher.
Zhu loving math, but later in the high school teacher inspired choice of computer science, before this, he had almost no access to a computer. In the course of college, he gradually attracted to computer science, on the one hand a lot of basic courses are math; other computer professionals also provides many tools to solve specific problems. He is now engaged in machine learning is a close connection with the mathematical and computer fields.
Internship at Microsoft Research Asia is his first job. Originally wanted to feel, I did not expect a sudden spent three years at the Academy. Talking about this experience, he said: I contacted Microsoft in earlier research has taught me many things, and I am honored and many outstanding researchers work together, they thought active and capable, but very hard, I learned from them learned a lot, including basic research process and constantly go beyond the spirit of the self.
Practical interest, insisting that the best intern Zhu Juncheng for the year, to • Bill Gates house that visit impressed him, the future of Microsoft's grasp of science and technology and technological innovation capability deeply shocked him; Meanwhile, Microsoft researcher their patience communication, career planning guidance also allows him to benefit.

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Windows8 and other products are unique products

A year ago I came to China, for me, in just one year in the Chinese market as well as our own products now have a very dramatic changes, for Microsoft, is unprecedented and exciting things. We released a series of new devices and services products, the majority of consumers and enterprise users alike, that this is the product they need, such as Windows8 and other products are unique products, they are unique to the Tablet PC , PC together the world's best features, including touch, keyboard, a set of work, play one of the perfect product. We look forward to bring Windows8.1 the next few months, that is to say, we are as we provide a free upgrade to Windows8.1, you can upgrade for free through the Windows Store, a new version of Windows8 promote the next generation of personal computers and tablet devices, and provide users with a richer experience for work and play.
People choose Windows PCs and tablet PCs, they will think of another excellent product that Windows8, when they share the same information, to help us begin to re-build when the smartphone operating system, but to every consumer to create their own personalized The phone, which is what we want to reflect experience, Chinese users in the past year has already seen, Windows Azure is growing very much, an increase of 800% as much as China's growth is really stand out, while the design of new Windows devices mind, constantly customer service, make use of the advantages of the new service contract products complement each other, the devices people use every day to connect unity, now people can use laptops, tablet, mobile phone, and enjoy the exchange of information and Microsoft Office software services, we office365 for example talk about, we are beautiful and clean interface, our surface, and electronic stylus to have the tacit understanding, embedded IE while searching perfect touch perfect experience, I think it is the most perfect world Other browsers best touch devices.
For consumers, this is a perfect era for business users is also exciting times, I think this is Microsoft's new cloud services by helping them solve some problems, can help companies in the technology business strategy, but also to real-time to do, they must decide which solutions can allow employees more productive and achieve co-workers, they must also come to realize business insight through the world of data, at the right time to provide the right products and services to the right customers. While all employees as well as customers in the selection of the tool they are increasingly able to make their voices heard, when employees start using a variety of personal and business equipment when, IT departments need to keep management information and ensure security. So it is these reasons mentioned above, Microsoft has become the preferred choice of IT to help them solve these challenges enterprises, we have a world-class applications, our database solutions, business intelligence solutions, and so on. People are used to manage employee trust Microsoft corporate identity and the protection of enterprise technology, all of you know that cloud computing is our generation's most important technological breakthroughs, and once again define the calculation of all work-related course of our growth experienced fundamentally This is a completely re-defined. In the past decade the greatest invention, from a technical point of view, smart phones, personal telephone, Internet and corporate databases, we are re-structure all these content. Advantages of cloud computing is driving change, cloud computing can give companies virtually unlimited computing power, it can be from the enterprise infrastructure and distribution infrastructure, server, server capacity to liberate them, and it will enable us to have a new ability to re- way, the space think about something else, such as the company's growth, service to our customers, improve business, which is completely new ways and means, but also to improve the quality of services, but also to develop a new market, just to mention to PPTV, before there is a small round table, before coming to participate in the launch ceremony, we also mentioned that a live broadcast, it is a completely new market, the world previously thought impossible, but now, now in There are such applications on our platform, which is completely unthinkable, let us so excited. So Microsoft, we provide a cloud solution, which also makes our customers into the cloud according to their approach, customers can choose to deploy either mixed mode be deployed in the cloud, office365 our products, now Microsoft one of the fastest growing product, businesses of all sizes are turning to office365, so you can get a world-class productivity solutions.

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Windows hunter to find loopholes in their $ 5,000 reward defect Google

September 27 International reported that you are likely to find that only the Microsoft Windows security vulnerabilities only person an award, but in local time Tuesday, Google rewards to identify vulnerabilities in Windows hunter $ 5,000.
With Chrome 22 released the final version, Google also announced the bonus rounds and Eetu Luodemaa and Joni Vahamaki two, reward it finds the Windows system about memory usage BUG.

Maybe we can be seen as the reward system Chrome Bug correcting an upgraded version of events, but Google seems to be more than the bonuses given to the Chrome browser Bug found when bonuses are also many.
Chrome development team members Chris Franciscan Jason (Jason Kersey) wrote in his blog: from time to time, we will reward those who find the master except Chrome software vulnerabilities, especially those more serious problem BUG , or where we only have the ability to solve the problem part.
In addition, Google has also given Famer Sergey Glazunov (Sergey Glazunov) a bonus of up to $ 10,000 reward he found in Chrome universal cross-site scripting attacks (UXSS) problem. It also fixes a vulnerability Chrome 22 Total $ 29,500 bonus part.
The new browser Chrome 22 also adds support for locking the interface pointer (pointer lock interface, sometimes called mouse lock), the technology is widely used in the game. For example, through a pointer lock, the player can be changed by moving the mouse perspective scene in the game without having to click the mouse button.
Google Sky than Vincent (Vincent Scheib) comes in a blog: While the game is fun, but these features also be licensed to other types of applications, such as medical, scientific visualization, training, simulation, construction mold, creation package, etc., which can get similar support. Google said the new version of Chrome also provides support for high-resolution Retina display.
Earlier this week, the time, Google released a new version of iOS Chrome, iOS 6 fixes not only the use of Gmail, but also supports the latest iPhone 5 devices. This version is based on the development of Chrome 21, the need to ensure that users be at least 17 years of age to use the App Store to download.
In addition, Google also fixes Chrome Mac OS X 10.5 platform 21, the formation of a new development branch. Back in July, Google Chrome 21 will be decided to support the final version of Mac OS X 10.5. But it is unclear when it will update an older version of Google Chrome.


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Microsoft cloud to cloud computing brings fingertips seamless digital experience

Since the rapid development of the Internet era, a new cloud computing era is coming. However, what will be the attitude of cloud computing into people's work and life, but has been controversial. In many people's eyes, the cloud is still prohibitive and the highbrow. As the world's leading software and solutions provider, Microsoft is working through its own sophisticated software platform, experience a variety of Internet services and business model, to provide users with the most comprehensive cloud computing solutions, so do make cloud tentacles accessible.
Cloud computing has various definitions in the industry, Microsoft seems to cloud computing is not a simple product or technology, but rather a general term for new ways to generate and acquire computing power. Cloud computing can be both to provide a dynamic, configuration, and needed to cancel the supply of computing and storage platforms, and can be an application service can be accessed via the Internet. Cloud computing will be the future long-term development model IT, Internet and telecommunications services, its appearance will have a great impact on the IT application and deployment models, business models, so that the existing IT ecosystem changed dramatically, it will have a profound impact on the upstream and downstream industry chain.
Personal PC era, Microsoft's vision is to have every family a PC, with the popularity of the Internet, Microsoft is hoping the power of the Internet and software for users to create applications seamlessly across different devices experience. The advent of cloud computing era will undoubtedly accelerate the realization of this new vision. October 2008, Microsoft released its own public cloud computing platform - Windows Azure Platform, which opened the curtain of Microsoft's cloud computing. Microsoft advocates the "three screens a cloud", its meaning is to fully utilize the power of the Internet, give full play to the advantages of Microsoft in the software field, in order to better integrate software based PC, phone, TV three different types of terminals to provide clients seamless user experience needed. The concept of the Internet and terminal technology for the perfect combination, according to the needs of users of different systems, the use of the Internet, which means a wide range of media and Microsoft leading data center technology, in different ways online services client to be reflected, provides users with a variety of cloud experience.
Microsoft's cloud computing solutions, including public and private cloud, both can help enterprises build private clouds, and can help companies build public cloud, or allow enterprises to choose operators based on Microsoft's public cloud platform cloud services. In order to better promote cloud computing, Microsoft offers three different cloud computing business model for their customers and partners: First, Microsoft Operations Microsoft cloud: Microsoft to build and operate their own public cloud applications and services, to offers individual consumers and business customers cloud services. Second, partners operate: various partners ISV / SI, etc. can be developed based on the Windows Azure Platform ERP, CRM and other cloud computing applications and services on Windows Azure Platform for end users. Third, customer self-built private cloud: customers can choose Microsoft's cloud computing solutions to build their own cloud computing platform. Microsoft can provide comprehensive support, including products, technologies, platforms, and operation and maintenance management, including for the user.
And other company's cloud computing strategy is different from Microsoft's cloud computing strategy has three typical features: the software + services platform strategy, and freedom of choice. The "Software + Services" is especially important. In the cloud computing era, whether a company does not need to deploy any of their own IT systems, everything from cloud computing platform to get? Many companies believe that some IT services from the cloud to get fit, such as CRM, Web conferencing, e-mail, etc.; But some systems are not suitable for deployment in the cloud, as their core business systems, financial systems. Microsoft believes that the ideal model would be "software + services", that both companies will obtain the necessary services from the cloud, will own deployment-related IT systems. This not only inherits the advantages of traditional software fully deployed, but also a lot of use of the new features of cloud computing, provides customers with more choices.
Microsoft's proven software platform, rich experience Internet service, diversified business model provides users with the most comprehensive cloud computing solutions. In the future, Microsoft will have more cloud computing solutions appear. Microsoft is committed to developing cloud migration tool, it will be a smooth migration of traditional applications to the cloud computing platform. In this way, users can take full advantage of their existing systems to migrate them to the cloud platform, which greatly enriched the cloud applications. Microsoft's cloud-based solutions are being more widely used, but also won more and more users. We believe that by combining their strengths in Microsoft's software in the field of cloud computing with innovative technology, will enable the cloud into a perfect experience of the user terminal, so the cloud has become within reach from the true sense.


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